Decades of neglect, unaccountability, and corruption in the Government-run hospitals of Mumbai are bearing fruits at this crucial time. I had the opportunity of visiting some of these state Run hospitals where young doctors and staff are highly hostile towards ordinary citizens. Over the years we have come across numerous news stories of hospital staff not giving dead bodies without a bribe. Even during non-covid time, we have witnessed two patients sharing one bed and another patient below the bed. The majority of the staff indulge in malpractices and are notorious Shirkers. The recent videos showing dead bodies of covid victims lying next to under-treatment patients is a classic work culture in a state-run hospital. To expect these overpaid, irresponsible Healthcare Servants to shed their skin overnight and become a dedicated, hardworking, brave Covid warriors is too much to ask. Adding to the misery is the terrible Doctor-population ratio in Mumbai, which is 54 Doctors for a lakh co...